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Exploding Kittens is an absolutely great game to play with your friends. Playing with strangers doesn’t get the same kind of feel. And playing alone is just the same thing over and over. The card game I find a wonderful better game. For two particular reasons, The first reason is the lack of cards. The game is missing two cards. The first is the nope card. I love this card and I think it was a main part of the original. With the nope they could have a super nope in one of the expansions that couldn’t be noped again. The second card is the cat cards. Cat cards use to have combos but now they all just steal a card. Now I don’t think a mobile game should have that complexity but maybe the cat cards should have maybe two actions and you can choose which one your cat card is doing. The second thing is the expansions. I think the Barking Kittens And Imploding Kittens expansions would be excellent for the digital game. Also I feel like the game is overall overpriced. I feel like each expansion should only be a dollar. I also think all avatar packs should be a dollar as the science vs religion is cool and all but I mean it’s a slight cosmetic difference. The single player needs improvement maybe more cats to fight that would do unique things like summon a exploding kitten. And custom decks. The last thing is just stuff that they would add like an avatar frame. The game should be updated more frequently.
Play the most-funded game in Kickstarter history anywhere with the Exploding Kittens® Official mobile game!
I love this game in general and was so happy to get the app. The game is really fun and I would highly recommend paying for the other decks (the last one is my favorite!). If you can get your friends to play that will be cool, and now during quarantine a lot of people are playing playing the online version so plenty of games to play. DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME ALONE! You don’t need that frustration. The AI with this game is very tricky and the fact you have to win a certain amount to move to the next’s nerve wracking. Before, I didn’t notice but playing a lot this week I picked up on some AI trickery. I know this sounds like a kid screaming “the game is cheating” but a few times I saw something that was very confusing or thought I was going crazy then I knew something was up when I had the ability to arrange 5 cards. I put the card I wanted first and placed the kitten next for the AI to pick up (2nd spot) and put another kitten in the fourth spot. So, first & third were cards I wanted. I pulled my card and got the one I wanted and that’s when the switch happened. The AI pulled a card and nothing happen and then I pulled a card and it was the exploding over. Total deception but why??? Glitch maybe? Fix it if so.